Sustainability in Danish Libraries

I was happy to be part of the first Nordic Libraries Annual conference with the Theme “Towards Sustainable Futures”. I did a keynote about sustainability in Danish libraries mainly centred around UNs Sustainable Development Goals. Here is a recording of the session: The slides are available here Feel free to contact me anytime for a… Continue reading Sustainability in Danish Libraries

New Horizons: How Libraries Create Smart Communities – For INFORUM 2018 in Prague

Libraries are more important than ever. This is not the headline you see in news media these days. If there happens to be a library-related headline it often says that libraries are obsolete because of the technological development. In a world where there is more information than ever before and where modern societies compete to… Continue reading New Horizons: How Libraries Create Smart Communities – For INFORUM 2018 in Prague

Upcoming keynote: Different perspectives – New horizons. 24th annual Inforum conference in Prague

It is always interesting to bring different kinds of perspectives and disciplines together. That is what The INFORUM conference does and I am looking very much forward to giving a keynote at this years conference and to participate and learn from the other professionals attending. INFORUM focuses on electronic information resources and their professional use… Continue reading Upcoming keynote: Different perspectives – New horizons. 24th annual Inforum conference in Prague

Keynote: Smart Libraries Create Smart Communities for #ILI2016

Thank you Internet Librarian International for your kind feedback and for questions and comments after my talk and during the day. It has been a pleasure learning with you. Like I promised – My slides: This is a slightly reworked Q and A I did for CILIP Update before the keynote, and it provides some… Continue reading Keynote: Smart Libraries Create Smart Communities for #ILI2016

Upcoming presentations: The #ILI2016 program is out and I am one of the Keynote speakers.

Smart libraries create smart communities – towards a visionary strategy for libraries. This is the title for my upcoming keynote at Internet Librarian International this October in London, UK. The aim of #ILI2016 is helping the participants make a difference to their own organization, clients and communities. It is in the conference DNA to make… Continue reading Upcoming presentations: The #ILI2016 program is out and I am one of the Keynote speakers.

Keynote for #CILIPS16: Making communities smarter through connections

The theme of this years CILIPS conference is “Making connections”. I am proud to do todays morning keynote. Libraries are strategically important for modern knowledge societies. In the library people of all ages have a safe space for learning and exchanging ideas. In the knowledge economy where communities, regions and countries compete for knowledge jobs… Continue reading Keynote for #CILIPS16: Making communities smarter through connections

Open libraries: Self-service libraries – The Danish way.

The “Open libraries” framework have made our libraries even more active learning spaces in the community. It has given us a broader reach and thereby expanded our opportunity to do what libraries do everywhere: Make their communities smarter.

A librarian walks into a bar…

A Friday evening in a bar in Melbourne, Australia. More than 60 librarians is gathered to have a good conversation about libraries, professional development, learning and stealing good ideas! I was proud to do the keynote this evening about Global Librarianship and 23 Mobile Things, Gamifiction, Buy India a Library – and the amazing Dr.… Continue reading A librarian walks into a bar…

The Global Librarian at #EduTechAU

 Global librarian is not a title – it is a choice. Global librarianship is a mindset where you seek inspiration from global projects and translate them into making value in your community. In my recent presentation at EduTech in Brisbane, Australia I spoke about learning as a core task and strategy for libraries, skills we… Continue reading The Global Librarian at #EduTechAU

Keynote: “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ – My slides

I was happy to make the keynote for “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ today. You can access the recorded version here. Thanks to everyone who participated… Here are my slides… Feel free to follow up with questions.